Solving Draft Problems with Replacement Windows

Solving Draft Problems with Replacement Windows

Drafts can come from small cracks, crevices, and gaps in your home. They can cause discomfort to your household and lead to an increase in your energy bills. They can also lead to mold growth, which can endanger your health. It is essential that you take measures to prevent drafts from entering your home, and a reliable way of doing it is to replace your old windows.

Solving Draft Problems with Replacement Windows

Let Renewal by Andersen® of Long Island discuss how our windows on Long Island can solve your draft problems.

Through Their Insulating Properties
We offer replacement windows on Long Island that have insulating characteristics. They come with a patented frame composite called Fibrex® that offers superior insulation. It also has the low-maintenance qualities of vinyl, which means that it will not rot, crack, or peel, ensuring lasting weather protection.

Our windows also have High-Performance™ Low-E4® glass that can reduce heat that enters and leaves your home. They also have quality strips and seals that help prevent drafts from entering your home. These features will keep you from relying too much on your HVAC units, leading to more energy savings.

Through Seamless Installation
We have years of experience installing quality double hung windows on Long Island. As part of our replacement process, we make sure to apply insulating foam in the gap between your home’s frames and new window. This helps ensure that your windows are airtight and weathertight. We will also make sure that your windows work according to their specifications.

In addition, our windows come with strong warranties for your peace of mind. This means that in the unlikely event that your windows do not perform based on their specifications, you can rely on us to fix the issue for you at no cost. Feel free to consult our window installers for more information about our windows’ warranties.

Prevent drafts by replacing your old windows with help from Renewal by Andersen® of Long Island. Call us today at (866) 609-5033 or fill out our contact form for a FREE estimate on your window replacement.

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